
Preschool Admissions

The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, sex, or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship programs, and other administered programs.

Procedures for admission are as follows:

An application for admission is available upon request. It must be submitted with the non-refundable application fee of $50 to the school.  This can also be completed online.

After the candidate’s application has been received, an interview with the principal and the candidate’s parents will be scheduled.

All candidates for admission to kindergarten through grade 10 are required to take an assessment for entrance. An appointment for the assessment will be made after the application is received. In the case of preschool students, an interview will be arranged for the child and parents to meet with the Director of the Preschool. Admission to preschool will be based on an adequate display of social, emotional, and academic readiness.

A child must be three years old on or before the first day of school and be toilet-trained to attend preschool. A child must be five years old on or before August 31 to attend kindergarten.

Trinity Christian School has the option to request a letter of reference from the applicant’s current teacher for admission to grades 1 through 5. For admission to grades 6 through 12, Trinity may request letters of reference from the applicant’s current English and Mathematics instructors.

The administration will take the following factors into account when considering an applicant:

The school has the authority to place the child at the proper grade level as indicated by the assessment regardless of age or grade completed prior to admission to Trinity Christian School.

The admission decision will be communicated to parents as soon as possible after the completion of all admissions procedures.

Within ten days of acceptance at Trinity, the initial registration fee of $100 for Preschool or $250 for grades K-12 should be sent to the school.

Preschool Tuition and Fees​

Registration Fee $100.00 due with application (Non-Refundable)

Supply Fee $60.00 due within 10 days of acceptance (Non-Refundable)

Five Day, Full Day Drop off 7:30 to 8:30, pick up by 5:00 PM $5,110.00 yearly, or $511.00 monthly.

Three Day, Full Day (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) $3,325 yearly, or $332.50 monthly.

Three Day, Half Day Drop of 7:30 to 8:30, pick up by noon $2,460 yearly, or $246.00 monthly.

Each preschool student pays an annual registration fee of $100.00. Families with older students in the school do not pay the $100; however, they do pay the family registration of $250.00. This is a non-refundable fee that must be paid when you submit your child‘s application or intent to return.


You will receive a statement before school starts. You may pay the full amount, bi-yearly or make monthly payments. If you choose to make monthly payments, you will receive a monthly statement. Your tuition is due on the first day of each month beginning in August. A $25.00 per month service charge will be added to all payments received after the 10th of the month. If paying by the month, a one time $50.00 service charge will be added to your bill, due with your first payment. You may pay at the school office or you may mail your payment to:

Trinity Christian School, 299 Deter Street, Rutherfordton, NC 28139.

Preschool Curriculum Guide

Trinity Preschool K-3


Academic Outline-Yearly Units

K-3 academics are cyclic and spiraling in that the same concepts and skills are developed throughout the year by repetition or ascending levels of difficulty.

Daily Concepts

1.  Numbers

2. Printing Readiness

3. Alphabet

4.  Story Time

5.  Bible

6.  Music

7.  Science, Manners, or Health

8.  Play Time

Skills Developed Throughout the Year

1.  Auditory Perceptual Skills

2.  Motor Development

3.  Visual Perceptual Skills

4.  Language Development

5.  Social Development

Trinity Preschool K-4


Academic Outline

1.  Shapes will be introduced

2.  Letters will be introduced

3.  Numbers will be introduced

4.  Motor skills are developed

5.  Auditory skills are developed

6.  Visual skills are developed

7.  Language Development is emphasized

8.  Social development is continued

9.  Creative expression is sought

10.  Spiritual objectives

11.  Mental attitudes are developed

Units of Study

Unique teaching aids include

Preschool Handbook


I saw tomorrow marching by on little

children’s feet,

Within their forms and faces her

prophecy complete.

I saw tomorrow look at me from little

children’s eyes,

And thought how carefully we’d teach

if we were wise.



Believing the early years to be among the most important of an individual’s life, we offer the services of our school as a resource to our parents as they seek to provide care and guidance for their children. We believe that every person is a child of God. Because of this belief, it is our aim to help each child to accept themselves as a person of worth and to begin to discover some of the vast potential with which he/she has been endowed by his/her Creator. We further believe that spiritual awareness and healthy social adjustment are best acquired through relationships with others and we seek to provide such experiences for the children of our school.

We fully believe that the role of the parent is the most vital element in a child’s development. Therefore, we encourage you to participate in any of the activities of our school and to share ideas with us at any time.

Preschool is a place where children grow and learn according to their own needs and abilities under the guidance of skilled, devoted, and consecrated teachers. It is a school whose program and environment are primarily suited to the educational activities that promote learning.

The preschool provides a balanced program of work and play which includes: creative activities, group experiences, human understanding through literature, self-awareness, play, and language, music, and social growth.











Teachers can not accept oral messages brought by the children. Please send a written note each time, or the parent may relay the message to the teacher.


The preschool will open at approximately 7:30 am and close at 5:30 pm. The children’s academic hours are from 8:30 am until 12:00 pm. Parents of children left after 5:30 will be charged a late fee. Please pick up your child in a timely manner. Our staff has families and responsibilities to attend to each evening after work.


Phone calls to the preschool are limited to calls that are absolutely necessary, especially during morning academic hours. Since the teachers are busy with the children, we encourage you to call after 1:00 pm if there is something you wish to discuss with your child’s teacher. The preschool number is 287-5544. If you have any questions about billing you can contact the office at 286-3900.


Money should be brought to school only for field trips, lunch sales, etc. You will be notified about special days. Please pay tuition and other fees at the main office of the school at 299 Deter Street, Rutherfordton, N.C. 28139 either in person or by mail marked: Bookkeeper.


Please do not allow your child to bring toys from home to school. The toys and books at preschool are used every day and some deterioration does occur from time to time. However, if a teacher sees a child deliberately destroy a toy, the parents will be notified and a replacement or payment to cover the cost of replacement will be required.


Each week the children have a time of sharing things of interest with the other children in the class. The children may want to share family pictures, animal pictures, vacation souvenirs, books, etc. Treasures such as magnets, shells, bugs, rocks, pets, or other science items are great! Do not allow your child to bring toys, guns, knives, or rock and roll tapes or CD’s.


Please allow your child to bring a crib-sized blanket or cover for the afternoon rest time. Please do not use large blankets or sheets. We advise that you label blankets, coats, lunch boxes, and other belongings with your child’s name. If you send a pillow, it should be child size. Rest time is from approximately 1:00 pm until 2:30 pm.


Although we do not have a formal dress code at the preschool, we ask that the children not wear “super hero” shirts. The children tend to role play their characters, and this can lead to violent or inappropriate play. Clothes that are worn by the children should be comfortable and easy to manage. Please do not allow your child to wear silly bands to school they are a distraction to the children.


Sandals that do not buckle are not appropriate for preschool. We are busy with active games and play, so shoes that tie stay on their feet better. Please do not send your child to school in flip-flops or shoes with wheels on them. (Heelys)


Most of the younger children need extra clothes “just in case.” Please send a change of clothes in a zip-lock bag with their name written on it.


We want the children to feel good about their “special day.” If parents wish, they may send a birthday cake or cupcakes to share with the child’s class. If your child is having a birthday party outside the school, please mail invitations. Do not send invitations to school to be put into the children‘s cubbies. Please do not send invitations for children to attend a school party. Parents may feel obligated to send gifts.


Young children do not understand when one child gets a balloon delivered to school. Flowers or balloon deliveries will not be accepted at the preschool.


We always encourage parent observation of our classes, but we ask if you need a conference with a teacher that it be scheduled for the afternoon.


Children should not be dropped off at the school to come in alone. Please notify a staff member that your child is at school before you leave, and also let a staff member know when you are taking your child. If the group is on the playground, we can send your child to you if you wait on them at the end of the walkway. We can release your child only to an adult, and children must not leave our building without the adult. We can release the children only to the parents or grandparents who have been given permission by the parents. If someone different is to pick up your child, please send us a note with a description of that person. As for 3:00 dismissal, if you have children in another building on campus, please stay in line and get your oldest child first, then drive to preschool.


Children bringing lunches form home as ask to bring nutritious foods. Sandwiches, soups, vegetables, fruit, yogurt, nuts, and etc. are exciting to eat as well as nutritious. All children must have milk for lunch unless they have a note from their doctor indicating a milk allergy or other condition which prevents the drinking of milk. You may purchase milk from the school if you wish. Lunch boxes should be small, preferably the box type plastic ones. Our refrigerator space is limited and lunch boxes must stack on top of each other. See state regulations for lunch guidelines. Please do not send candy in your child’s lunch box.


Parents will be asked to provide snack on a regular basis. A list of names, dates, and the number of children in each class will be sent to you. A menu for the snacks will be provided on the week preceding your scheduled time.


We want to provide a healthy environment for your child; therefore we ask that sick children do not come to school. The child must be free of fever 24 hours before returning to school. We will call you to come if he/she has any temperature. Please come as quickly as possible so that any contagious sickness is not spread. Please do not send your child if they have been sick during the night.


If your child has been treated for lice they must be nit free before returning to school. If a staff member checks a child that has been treated for lice and they still have nits present you will receive a call to come and pick your child up.


If your child has medicine that has to be given during the day, you must sign a form giving us permission to administer the medication. Please let a teacher know. ALL medicine must be stored in a locked cabinet. Medicine that requires refrigeration will be locked in the refrigerator. Over the counter medicine cannot be given if age appropriate dosage is not listed on the bottle. Medicines that require a prescription must be in the original bottle with the name of the person it was dispensed to on the bottle. No medicine with an expired date can be given or left at the center.


Application, signed discipline form, documentation of receipt of Summery of Child Care Law, children’s medical report-top portion filled out by the parents along with physical exam and immunization record, and emergency cards- please fill out 2 emergency cards, front and back.


We follow the same school schedule as Trinity Christian School.


Trinity Christian Preschool is willing to provide childcare for children who are eligible for publicly funded child care assistance. The parent is responsible for any amount not paid by subsidy.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please notify us. We love our work with the children, and want to provide wholesome experiences for each child in a safe and happy environment.

Dear Lord I do not ask

That thou shouldst give me some high work of thine,

Some noble calling, or some wondrous task.

Give me a little hand to hold in mine,

Give me a little child to point the way

Over the strange, sweet path that leads to Thee.

Give me a little voice to teach to pray.

Give me two shining eyes Thy face to see.

The only crown I ask, dear Lord, to wear

Is this: That I may teach a little child.

I do not ask that I may ever stand

Among the wise, the worthy, or the great;

I only ask that softly, hand and hand,

A child and I may enter at the gate.


Preschool Lunch Guidelines

Trinity Christian Preschool is licensed by the North Carolina Division of Child Care; therefore, we must follow their guidelines for children’s lunches.

Please include a food from each of the following food groups everyday

The following are some examples

We suggest fruit be used for dessert. Fruit roll-ups or fruit bits do not count as a fruit substitute.

Lunch boxes must be the small, flat, stackable type as we have a limited amount of space in our refrigerator.

No frozen meals, uncooked noodles or other meals requiring more than one minute to heat are allowed.


Trinity Christian Preschool will be held responsible if children do not have the proper lunch. 

Please help us insure that we stay within the State guidelines in this area.